Ashley Ross

Ashley Ross

Full Name

Ashley Ross





Ashley Ross, who is serving as John Bracewell's stand-in as coach for the tour of India, owes his appoints as New Zealand Cricket's player development manager to the strategy put in place by the ground-breaking Hood Report which re-shaped the game, and the approach to it in New Zealand. An Australian, Ross had his life changed by a car accident which ended his active playing career in Melbourne, but which set him on a coaching path. He holds a physical education degree from Melbourne's Victoria University. He became Victoria's director of coaching and assistant coach to Victoria. Ross switched to New Zealand to become part of NZC's High Performance Centre based at Lincoln University and has been to the forefront in some innovative coaching practices. While his stint in India is his first fully as coach, he has been an assistant coach on many of New Zealand's more recent tours. (Lynn McConnell, Aug 2003)