

Looking back on a wretchedly cold summer, the editor said that the falling-off in attendances "could wholly be attributed to the rain". It didn't hamper Jack Hobbs ("in great form but not very robust in health") who scored 2552 runs at 62.24, including ten hundreds. The fiery Charlie Parker took 206 wickets and was one of the Five Cricketers of the Year, as was Kent's Tich Freeman, who managed only 194 (he passed 200 eight times in all in his career). Whetting the appetites of his readers the editor, in his introduction, wrote that "With regard to the current issue, I don't have much to say."
Editor Sydney Pardon
Pages 998
Price 5/- (soft) / 7/6 (cloth)

Almanack essays

Notes by the Editor

Game holds own against adverse weather, 1923