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Overall figures
AR Crafter (AUS) 1979-1989 59 0 0 59 investigate this query
HD Bird (ENG) 1973-1989 48 0 0 48 investigate this query
RA French (AUS) 1979-1988 48 0 0 48 investigate this query
PJ McConnell (AUS) 1983-1989 43 0 0 43 investigate this query
MW Johnson (AUS) 1979-1988 42 0 0 42 investigate this query
DR Shepherd (ENG) 1983-1989 29 0 0 29 investigate this query
SG Randell (AUS) 1984-1989 28 0 0 28 investigate this query
DJ Constant (ENG) 1972-1988 27 0 0 27 investigate this query
RC Bailhache (AUS) 1975-1989 26 0 0 26 investigate this query
Khizer Hayat (PAK) 1978-1989 25 0 0 25 investigate this query
BE Martin (AUS) 1981-1987 22 0 0 22 investigate this query
Mahboob Shah (PAK) 1976-1988 22 0 0 22 investigate this query
RC Isherwood (AUS) 1979-1986 20 0 0 20 investigate this query
PW Vidanagamage (SL) 1982-1987 19 0 0 19 investigate this query
RB Gupta (IND) 1985-1989 19 0 0 19 investigate this query
BJ Meyer (ENG) 1977-1989 17 0 0 17 investigate this query
KE Palmer (ENG) 1977-1988 16 0 0 16 investigate this query
Shakoor Rana (PAK) 1977-1987 16 0 0 16 investigate this query
SJ Woodward (NZ) 1982-1989 16 0 0 16 investigate this query
VK Ramaswamy (IND) 1984-1989 16 0 0 16 investigate this query
DM Archer (WI) 1981-1989 15 0 0 15 investigate this query
FR Goodall (NZ) 1973-1988 14 0 0 14 investigate this query
DGL Evans (ENG) 1979-1985 12 0 0 12 investigate this query
DP Buultjens (SL) 1983-1989 12 0 0 12 investigate this query
LH Barker (WI) 1984-1989 12 0 0 12 investigate this query
WL Budd (ENG) 1974-1979 12 0 0 12 investigate this query
Amanullah Khan (PAK) 1980-1987 11 0 0 11 investigate this query
KT Francis (SL) 1982-1989 11 0 0 11 investigate this query
AGT Whitehead (ENG) 1979-1987 10 0 0 10 investigate this query
HC Felsinger (SL) 1982-1986 10 0 0 10 investigate this query
RV Whitehead (AUS) 1979-1983 10 0 0 10 investigate this query
Shakeel Khan (PAK) 1982-1987 10 0 0 10 investigate this query
CE Cumberbatch (WI) 1984-1989 9 0 0 9 investigate this query
WE Alley (ENG) 1974-1981 9 0 0 9 investigate this query
GC Morris (NZ) 1984-1988 8 0 0 8 investigate this query
JG Langridge (ENG) 1975-1979 8 0 0 8 investigate this query
AE Fagg (ENG) 1972-1976 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
BL Aldridge (NZ) 1986-1989 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
Javed Akhtar (PAK) 1976-1987 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
JW Holder (ENG) 1988-1989 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
RL McHarg (NZ) 1986-1989 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
S Mohammed (WI) 1981-1986 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
TA Prue (AUS) 1988-1989 7 0 0 7 investigate this query
CE Harvey (AUS) 1979-1980 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
DA Kinsella (NZ) 1982-1985 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
DO Oslear (ENG) 1980-1984 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
LJ King (AUS) 1988-1989 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
S Ponnadurai (SL) 1983-1989 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
SK Ghosh (IND) 1987-1989 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
Tariq Ata (PAK) 1982-1988 6 0 0 6 investigate this query
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