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R Abel, WG Grace (ENG) 2 105 1/38 2/143 2 v Australia Lord's 22 Jun 1896 investigate this query
SE Gregory, GHS Trott (AUS) 4 221 3/62 4/283 3 v England Lord's 22 Jun 1896 investigate this query
G Giffen, FA Iredale (AUS) 2 131 1/41 2/172 1 v England Manchester 16 Jul 1896 investigate this query
C Hill, MA Noble (AUS) 4 130 3/59 4/189 2 v England Lord's 15 Jun 1899 investigate this query
TW Hayward, AFA Lilley (ENG) 7 113 6/154 7/267 1 v Australia Manchester 17 Jul 1899 investigate this query
TW Hayward, Hon.FS Jackson (ENG) 1 185 - 1/185 1 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1899 investigate this query
TW Hayward, KS Ranjitsinhji (ENG) 2 131 1/185 2/316 1 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1899 investigate this query
CB Fry, AC MacLaren (ENG) 4 110 3/318 4/428 1 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1899 investigate this query
J Darling, SE Gregory (AUS) 5 100 4/120 5/220 2 v England The Oval 14 Aug 1899 investigate this query
CE McLeod, J Worrall (AUS) 1 116 - 1/116 3 v England The Oval 14 Aug 1899 investigate this query
TW Hayward, AC MacLaren (ENG) 1 154 - 1/154 1 v Australia Sydney 13 Dec 1901 investigate this query
LC Braund, AFA Lilley (ENG) 7 124 6/272 7/396 1 v Australia Sydney 13 Dec 1901 investigate this query
WW Armstrong, RA Duff (AUS) 10 120 9/233 10/353 3 v England Melbourne 1 Jan 1902 investigate this query
TW Hayward, AC MacLaren (ENG) 1 149 - 1/149 1 v Australia Adelaide 17 Jan 1902 investigate this query
LC Braund, WG Quaife (ENG) 6 108 5/186 6/294 1 v Australia Adelaide 17 Jan 1902 investigate this query
C Hill, VT Trumper (AUS) 2 137 1/1 2/138 2 v England Adelaide 17 Jan 1902 investigate this query
AC MacLaren, JT Tyldesley (ENG) 2 106 1/73 2/179 1 v Australia Sydney 14 Feb 1902 investigate this query
Hon.FS Jackson, AC MacLaren (ENG) 3 102* 2/0 2/102 1 v Australia Lord's 12 Jun 1902 investigate this query
SE Gregory, C Hill (AUS) 4 107 3/80 4/187 3 v England Sheffield 3 Jul 1902 investigate this query
RA Duff, VT Trumper (AUS) 1 135 - 1/135 1 v England Manchester 24 Jul 1902 investigate this query
LC Braund, Hon.FS Jackson (ENG) 6 141 5/44 6/185 2 v Australia Manchester 24 Jul 1902 investigate this query
Hon.FS Jackson, GL Jessop (ENG) 6 109 5/48 6/157 4 v Australia The Oval 11 Aug 1902 investigate this query
WW Armstrong, MA Noble (AUS) 4 106 3/12 4/118 1 v England Sydney 11 Dec 1903 investigate this query
LC Braund, RE Foster (ENG) 5 192 4/117 5/309 2 v Australia Sydney 11 Dec 1903 investigate this query
RE Foster, AE Relf (ENG) 9 115 8/332 9/447 2 v Australia Sydney 11 Dec 1903 investigate this query
RE Foster, W Rhodes (ENG) 10 130 9/447 10/577 2 v Australia Sydney 11 Dec 1903 investigate this query
TW Hayward, PF Warner (ENG) 1 122 - 1/122 1 v Australia Melbourne 1 Jan 1904 investigate this query
RA Duff, VT Trumper (AUS) 1 129 - 1/129 1 v England Adelaide 15 Jan 1904 investigate this query
C Hill, VT Trumper (AUS) 2 143 1/129 2/272 1 v England Adelaide 15 Jan 1904 investigate this query
SE Gregory, MA Noble (AUS) 4 162 3/101 4/263 3 v England Adelaide 15 Jan 1904 investigate this query
TW Hayward, PF Warner (ENG) 1 148 - 1/148 4 v Australia Adelaide 15 Jan 1904 investigate this query
C Hill, MA Noble (AUS) 2 106 1/23 2/129 2 v England Nottingham 29 May 1905 investigate this query
TW Hayward, AC MacLaren (ENG) 1 145 - 1/145 3 v Australia Nottingham 29 May 1905 investigate this query
Hon.FS Jackson, W Rhodes (ENG) 6 113* 5/313 5/426 3 v Australia Nottingham 29 May 1905 investigate this query
Hon.FS Jackson, RH Spooner (ENG) 5 125 4/176 5/301 1 v Australia Manchester 24 Jul 1905 investigate this query
CB Fry, TW Hayward (ENG) 3 100 2/32 3/132 1 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1905 investigate this query
CB Fry, Hon.FS Jackson (ENG) 4 151 3/132 4/283 1 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1905 investigate this query
RA Duff, MA Noble (AUS) 3 115 2/44 3/159 2 v England The Oval 14 Aug 1905 investigate this query
RH Spooner, JT Tyldesley (ENG) 6 158 5/103 6/261 3 v Australia The Oval 14 Aug 1905 investigate this query
LC Braund, GL Jessop (ENG) 6 145 5/158 6/303 1 v South Africa Lord's 1 Jul 1907 investigate this query
CMH Hathorn, PW Sherwell (SA) 2 139 1/1 2/140 3 v England Lord's 1 Jul 1907 investigate this query
CB Fry, JB Hobbs (ENG) 1 105* - 0/105 4 v Australia Birmingham 27 May 1909 investigate this query
J Sharp, JT Tyldesley (ENG) 3 106 2/31 3/137 2 v Australia Leeds 1 Jul 1909 investigate this query
W Bardsley, VT Trumper (AUS) 5 118 4/58 5/176 1 v England The Oval 9 Aug 1909 investigate this query
CB Fry, W Rhodes (ENG) 3 104 2/36 3/140 2 v Australia The Oval 9 Aug 1909 investigate this query
KL Hutchings, J Sharp (ENG) 7 142 6/206 7/348 2 v Australia The Oval 9 Aug 1909 investigate this query
W Bardsley, SE Gregory (AUS) 1 180 - 1/180 3 v England The Oval 9 Aug 1909 investigate this query
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