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Start of match date between 17 Oct 2002 and 25 Jul 2005 remove between 17 Oct 2002 and 25 Jul 2005 from query
Qualifications balls bowled greater than or equal to 2100 remove balls bowled greater than or equal to 2100 from query
Ordered by bowling average (ascending)
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Overall figures
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent Test matches:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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